Fluent Arabic Mutun

Price: Free

In this weekly series of webinars, we cover various classical texts in Arabic grammar. Join our exclusive learning group. Subject to approval.

About the Session

Here’s what we will cover:

  • Explanation of the text in English, along with a logical overview of al-i’rab
  • Simplification of the rules wherever possible. We will try to break down the concepts in an easy to understand manner
  • Interactive sessions where we will have discussions with participants, answer questions and solve i’rab exercises together


Ustad Abdul Aleem

Ust. Abdul Aleem will take you through some general principals of i’rab that are fundamental. He will also explain some chapters 

Ustad Yasser Talbi

Ust. Yasser will explain further chapters and show you some examples of i’rab in action, furthering your understanding

Ustad Abdurrahman

Once we understand the basics, we will dive deeper with ustad Abdurrahman, and work together to solve the i’rab of example sentences

Things To Keep in Mind

Here are a few reminders to ensure you get the best out of these sessions insha'Allah.

Session #1: The Ajrumiyyah


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