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Madinah Arabic-Beginner to Advanced (2021-1)
Madinah Book 1
Read first!! Welcome to the course!
Lesson 1 - Haadha and Question Words
Lesson 2 / 3 - Dhalika, Definite and Indefinite Nouns
Lesson 3 - Sun and Moon Letters / The Root System
Lesson 4 - Mamnu' min al Sarf / Prepositions contd.
Lesson 5 - Mudhaf Ilaihi
Lesson 6 - Gender
Lesson 7 - Gender + Speaking Practice
Lesson 8 - Gender / Tilka + Reading Practice
Lesson 9 - Lam of Posession
Lesson 10 - Adjectives
Lesson 11 - Personal Pronouns
Lesson 12 - Personal Pronouns Practice + Summary
Lesson 13 - Feminine Gender
Lesson 14 - Plurals
Lesson 15 - Plurals (Feminine Form)
Lesson 16 - Plurals (Exercises)
Lesson 17 - Pronouns Continued
Lesson 18 - Pronouns (Feminine Plural)
Lesson 19 - Non-Intelligent Plurals
Lesson 20 - Non-Intelligent Plurals Cont. + Using 'Kam'
Lesson 21 - Numbers in Arabic
Lesson 22 - Numbers Continued
Lesson 23 - Revision 1
Lesson 24 - Revision 2
Book 1 Assignments
Madinah Book 2
Lesson 1 - Inna and La'alla
Lesson 2 - Speaking Practice + Exercises + Usage of 'Am'
Lesson 3 - La'alla + Laysa
Lesson 4 - The Mubtada' and Khabar
Lesson 5 - Numbers 11-20 + Li'anna
Lesson 6 - Numbers 11-20, Comparitive nouns Exercises
Lesson 7 - Fi'l Maadi, Nominal vs Verbal Sentences
Lesson 8 - Verbal Sentences continued
Lesson 9 - Objects and attached pronouns
Lesson 10 - Feminine Attached Pronouns and Verb Forms
Lesson 11 - Feminine Plural Attached Pronouns
Lesson 12 - Attaching Objects to Verbs as Pronouns, Kaana and Dhu
Lesson 13 - Verbs revisited
Lesson 14 - Speaking practice + Fa'il
Lesson 15 - Nun al wiqaya, Rules of Sound Feminine Plurals, Verb of Amazement
Lesson 16 - Intensive Reading Exercise
Lesson 17 - Book Exercises + Listening Practice
Lesson 18 - Present tense verbs, Numbers 21-30
Lesson 19 - Listening Practice + Present Tense Verbs Contd.
Lesson 20 - Present Tense Verbs - More Forms, Amma, and Negation
Lesson 21 - Speaking Practice + Present Tense Verb Exercises
Lesson 22 - Revision of Present Tense Verbs + Anna vs Inna
Lesson 23 - Fi'l Amr
Lesson 24 - Laa al-Nahiyah (Prohibition)
Lesson 25 - Maa al Mawsula, Mamnu' min Sarf (additional categories), Maa vs Laa
Lesson 26 - Exercises
Lesson 27 - I'rab of Verbs, Nawasib
Lesson 28 - Khadhf al Nun - Omission of Nun, Tawkeed
Lesson 29 - Speaking practice + Exercises
Lesson 30 - Usage of Lan, Lam and Dual forms.
Lesson 31 - Revision Exercises
Lesson 32 - Usage of Lamma + Exercises
Lesson 33 - Revision + Speaking Practice
Lesson 34 - Numbers Part 1
Lesson 35 - Numbers Part 2
Lesson 36 - Numbers Part 3
Lesson 37 - Kana and La Yazal
Lesson 38 - Types of Verbs (Sarf)
Lesson 39 - Mu'tal 1
Lesson 40 - Mu'tal 2
Lesson 41 - Mu'tal 3
Lesson 42 - Mu'tal 4
Lesson 43 - Mu'tal 5
Lesson 44 - Types of verbs + Dual
Lesson 45 - Sifa
Madinah Book 3
Lesson 1 - I'rab and Binaa
Lesson 2 - Indicators of I'rab
Lesson 3- Exercises + Marfu'at, Mansubat and Majrurat from Nouns
Lesson 4 - Tawabi' + I'rab of Verbs
Lesson 5 - Types of Waw
Lesson 6 - Chapter 2 Exercises
Lesson 7 - Passive Voice (Mabni lil Majhul)
Lesson 8 - Chapter 3 Exercises
Lesson 9 - Ism al-fa'il and Ism al-Maf'ul
Lesson 10 - Chapter 4 Exercises
Lesson 11 - Ism al-Fa'il, Maf'ul and Mabni lil Majhul from Non-Salim Verbs
Lesson 12 - Ism Zaman and Ism Makan
Lesson 13 - Ism al-Aalah
Lesson 14 - Ma'rifa and Nakirah
Lesson 15 - Omission of Nun
Lesson 16 - Nominal and Verbal Sentences
Lesson 17 - Nominal and Verbal Sentences - 2
Lesson 18 - Mubtada and Khabar
Lesson 19 - Mubtada and Khabar - 2
Lesson 20 - Maf'ul fihi (Zarf)
Lesson 21 - Lam al Amr
Lesson 22 - Idhaa (Shart and Jawab)
Lesson 23 - In (Particle of Jazm)
Lesson 24 - Particles of Jazm (Continued)
Lesson 25 - Dimunitive + Basic Sarf of Verbs
Lesson 26 - Basic Sarf of Verbs Continued
Lesson 27 - Mazeed Verbs (Af'ala)
Lesson 28 - Transitive and Non-Transitive Verbs
Lesson 29 - Innama, Meanings of the pattern Fa'ala
Lesson 30 - Speaking Exercise + Additional Rules
Lesson 31 - Exercises + Additional Rules
Lesson 32 - Faa'ala Verbs
Lesson 33 - Exercises + Additional Rules
Lesson - 34 - Exercises + Additional Rules
Lesson 35 - Pattern of Tafa'ala
Lesson 36 - Exercises + Additional Rules
Lesson 37 - Pattern of Tafaa'ala
Lesson 38 - Exercises
Lesson 39 - Badal
Lesson 40 - Particles Resembling Verbs
Lesson 41 - Pattern of Infa'ala
Lesson 42 - Lawlaa + additional rules
Lesson 43 - Pattern of Ifta'ala
Lesson 44 - Exercises
Lesson 45 - Pattern of If'alla
Lesson 46 - Istaf'ala
Lesson 47 - Four Radical Verbs
Lesson 1 - Al-Kalam
Lesson 2 - I'rab and Binaa
Lesson 3 - Indicators of I'rab 1
Lesson 4 - Indicators of I'rab 2
Lesson 5 - I'rab of Verbs
Lesson 6 - Nawasib and Jawazim
Lesson 7 - Fa'il and Na'ib Fa'il
Lesson 8 - Mubtada and Khabar
Lesson 9 - Awamil/ Modifiers of Mubtada and Khabar
Lesson 10 - Na'at
Lesson 11 - 'Atf and Tawkid
Lesson 12 - Badal
Lesson 13 - Maf'ul bihi + Maf'ul Mutlaq
Lesson 14 - Zarf Zaman and Makan
Lesson 15 - Haal and Tamyiz
Lesson 16 - Tamyiz and Isthithnaa
Lesson 17 - Laa (Absolute Negation)
Lesson 18 - Munada, Maf'ul Li'Ajlihi and Maf'ul Ma'ahu
Lesson 19 - Nouns of Jarr
Lesson 18 – Mubtada and Khabar