These are 99 authentic names of Allah extracted from the Quran and the Sunnah by Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen Rahimahullah. He has mentioned the in his book ‘Al-Qawaid Al Muthlaa’
الله | Allaah | |
الوِتْر | Witr | The One Who Has No Partner Nor Anyone Like Him |
المَنَّان | Al-Mannaan | The Beneficent Bestower of Bounties |
المُعطِي | Al-Mu'ṯee | The Giver |
المُحسِن | Al-Muẖsin | The One Who Acts in a Fine and Good Manner |
المُؤَخِّر | Al-Mu'akhkhir | The One Who Puts Back |
المُقَدِّم | Al-Muqaddim | The One Who Gives Precedence |
البَاسط | Al-Baasiṯ | The Granter of Ample Provision |
القَابِض | Al-Qaabid | The Withholder |
الطَّيِّب | Aṯ-Ṯayyib | The Pure One |
الشَّافِي | Ash-Shaafee | The One Who Cures |
السَيِّد | As-Sayyid | The Lord and Master |
السبُّوح | As-Subbooẖ | The Venerated and Perfect |
الرَّفِيق | Ar-Rafeeq | The Gentle |
الرَّبّ | Ar-Rabb | The Lord and Nurterer |
الحَيِّي | Al-H̱ayyiyu | The One Who Honourably Disdains Anything Unbecoming His Mercy and Generosity |
الحَكَم | Al-H̱akam | The Judge |
الجَواد | Al-Jawaad | The Munificent |
الجَمِيل | Al-Jameel | The Beautiful One |
الوَهَّاب | Al-Waẖẖaab | The Bestower |
الوَلِيّ | Al-Waliyy | The Guardian Lord |
الوَكِيل | Al-Wakeel | The Trustworthy Disposer of Affairs |
الوَدُود | Al-Wadood | The Loving One and the Beloved One |
الوَاسِع | Al-Waasi' | The Vast One |
الوَارِث | Al-Waarith | The Inheritor |
الوَاحِد | Al-Waaẖid | The One and Only |
النَّصِير | An-Naseer | The Helper |
المُهَيمِن | Al-Muhaymin | The Trustworthy and Ever Watchful Witness |
المَولى | Al-Mawlaa | The Patron Lord or the Master and Supporter |
المَلِيك | Al-Maleek | The Omnipotent Sovereign |
المَلِك | Al-Malik | The King |
المُقِيت | Al-Muqeet | The All-Powerful Maintainer |
المُقتَدِر | Al-Muqtadir | The Omnipotent |
المُصَوِّر | Al-Musawwir | The Bestower of Forms |
المُحيط | Al-Muẖeeṯ | The All-Encompassing |
المَجِيد | Al-Majeed | The One Perfect in Glory and Honour |
المُجِيب | Al-Mujeeb | The Responsive |
المَتِين | Al-Mateen | The Strong |
المُتَكَبِّر | Al-Mutakabbir | The One Suprememe in Glory, The Justly and Rightfully Proud |
المُتَعَالي | Al-Muta'aalee | The Supreme and Exalted One |
المُؤمِن | Al-Mu'min | The True and Trustworthy, The Granter of Security |
اللّطِيف | Al-Laṯeef | The Subtle and Kind |
الكَرِيم | Al-Kareem | The Bountiful, The Generous One Abundant in Good |
الكَبِير | Al-Kabeer | The Incomparably Great |
القَهّار | Al-Qahhaar | The Overwhelming Subduer Who is Never Overcome |
القَوِيّ | Al-Qawiyy | The One Perfect in Strength |
القَرِيب | Al-Qareeb | The One Who is Near to the Servants |
القَدِير | Al-Qadeer | The All-Powerful |
القُدُّوس | Al-Quddoos | The Pure and Perfect |
القَاهِر | Al-Qaahir | The Invicible Subduer |
القَادِر | Al-Qaadir | The Fully Able One |
الفَتَّاح | Al-Fattaaẖ | The Judge and Opener Who Distinguishes the Truth from Falsehood |
الغَنِيّ | Al-Ghaniyy | The Independent One Who is Free of All Needs |
الغَفور | Al-Ghafoor | The One Who Forgives Extensively |
الغَفَّار | Al-Ghaffaar | The Oft-Forgiving |
العَلِيّ | Al-'Aliyy | The Exalted |
العَليم | Al-'Aleem | The All-Knowing |
العَفُو | Al-'Afuww | The One Who Pardons Again and Again |
العَظِيم | Al-'Adheem | The Tremendous One or the Magnificent |
العَزِيز | Al-'Azeez | The Almighty or the Invincible |
العَالِم | Al-'Aalim | The All-Knower of the Seen and Unseen |
الصَّمَد | As-Ṣamad | The Perfect Lord and Master Upon Whom the Whole of Creation Depends |
الشَّهِيد | Ash-Shaheed | The Witness |
الشَّكُور | Ash-Shakoor | The One Most Ready To Appreciate and Reward Abundantly |
الشّاكر | Ash-Shaakir | The Appreciative |
السّميع | As-Samee' | The All-Hearing |
السَّلام | As-Salaam | The Impeccable One or Flawless One |
الرَّقِيب | Ar-Raqeeb | The Ever Watchful Guardian |
الرّزَّاق | Ar-Razzaq | The Great Provider |
الرَّحيم | Ar-Raheem | The Bestower of Mercy |
الرَّحمان | Ar-Rahmaan | The Extremely Merciful |
الرَّؤُوف | Ar-Ra'oof | The Comassionate and Kind |
الخَلاّق | Al-Khallaaq | The Creator Who Creates Again and Again |
الخَالق | Al-Khaaliq | The Creator and Maker of Everything |
الخَبير | Al-Khabeer | The Fully Aware |
القَيُّوم | Al-Qayyoom | The Self-Subsisting One Upon Whom Everything Depends |
الحَي | Al-Hayy | The Everliving |
الحَميد | Al-H̱ameed | The One Who is Deservedly Praised |
الحَليم | Al-H̱aleem | The Forebearing |
الحَكيم | Al-H̱akeem | The One Fully Wise or Al-Haakim (The All-Wise) |
المُبِين | Al-Mubeen | The Clear and Manifest One |
الحقّ | Al-H̱aqq | The True One |
الحَفِيّ | Al-H̱afiyy | The Benovolent |
الحَفِيظ | Al-H̱afeedh | The Guardian |
الحَسِيب | Al-H̱aseeb | The Reckoner Who Suffices |
الحافِظ | Al-H̱aafidh | The Protector |
الجَبّار | Al-Jabbaar | The Exalted and Almighty Compeller |
التَّوَّاب | At-Tawwaab | The One Who Guides His Servants to Repent and Accepts Their Repentance |
البَصير | Al-Baṣeer | The All-Seeing |
البَرّ | Al-Barr | The Most Benign and Kind |
البارِئ | Al-Baari` | The Originator |
الباطِن | Al-Baatin | The Innermost One |
الظاهِر | Adh-Dhaahir | The Uppermost One |
الآخِر | Al-Aakhir | The Last |
الأول | Al Awwal | The First |
الإله | Al-Ilaah | The One Who Alone Deserves to be Worshipped |
الأكرم | Al-Akram | The Most Generous |
الأعلى | Al-A’laa | The Most High |
الأحد | Al-Aẖad | The Unique |
الله | Allaah |
The Ninety-Nine names of Allaah وتعالى سبحانه
Based on Shaykh Uthaymeen’s book Al-Qawaa`id al-Muthla, Translated by Dawud Burbank